Saturday, January 31, 2009

Runnin' wild in the park

It was a beautifully sunny and semi-warm day, so Kevin mentioned that maybe we should take Samantha to a park. I was all about it because I get very tired of just sitting around watching TV all weekend. So after Samantha had a nap and some lunch, we all headed down to a park that is over by Redmond High School of which I cannot recall the name. We tried the swing first, and she was not too impressed. So we just set her down and let her run wild in the huge open grassy area, and played with her ball that we brought along with us. She managed to plop down into a little muddy bicycle track ditch at one point, which resulted in a very muddy butt. Undeterred she kept running around finding anything and everything we wouldn't want her to pick up including cigarette butts and long semi sharp sticks. (there were not a lot of these things, she just kept managing to find them!) Despite all that, it was a very refreshing and fun little trip to the park!

Swinging, for some reason she decided a fish face was appropriate for this activity and kept her face in this position the entire time she was on the swing.

Playin' a little ball with Daddy

Runnin' wild!

Daddy and Samantha taking a stroll on the asphault pathway
Samantha and Mommy ready to go home!

1 comment:

  1. Ha! so much for needing the snow suit.... did you ever get it? Looking at her pictures here, I really think it might be too small... oh well :)
