Saturday, January 31, 2009

Runnin' wild in the park

It was a beautifully sunny and semi-warm day, so Kevin mentioned that maybe we should take Samantha to a park. I was all about it because I get very tired of just sitting around watching TV all weekend. So after Samantha had a nap and some lunch, we all headed down to a park that is over by Redmond High School of which I cannot recall the name. We tried the swing first, and she was not too impressed. So we just set her down and let her run wild in the huge open grassy area, and played with her ball that we brought along with us. She managed to plop down into a little muddy bicycle track ditch at one point, which resulted in a very muddy butt. Undeterred she kept running around finding anything and everything we wouldn't want her to pick up including cigarette butts and long semi sharp sticks. (there were not a lot of these things, she just kept managing to find them!) Despite all that, it was a very refreshing and fun little trip to the park!

Swinging, for some reason she decided a fish face was appropriate for this activity and kept her face in this position the entire time she was on the swing.

Playin' a little ball with Daddy

Runnin' wild!

Daddy and Samantha taking a stroll on the asphault pathway
Samantha and Mommy ready to go home!

Beautiful Baby Contest

So, I have recently become addicted to Regis and Kelly Live. The other day they were talking about their annual beautiful baby contest and I immediately decided Samantha needed to be in this contest. Not only because I of course think she is the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world, but also because the winner gets a $125,000 scholarship for their college education! And the biggest bonus of all was that it is FREE to enter! Turns out I wasn't the only one thinking on these lines because I got a call from my Mom later that day asking if she could submit a picture. I let her know I was already on it. :) So here is my entry, I thought it was pretty cute! I encourage everyone with a child between the ages of 6 and 48 months to enter because you have nothing to lose, but if you win it would be pretty darn great! But if you don't decide to enter your own child, voting is on Monday, March 9th, so maybe you could vote for miss Samantha?

Sunday, January 25, 2009


It has been snowing all day today, so Kevin and I decided we should take Samantha out to see how she liked it. We never took her out during the first snow storm last month because it was jut too cold. She wasn't sure about it at first, all that cold stuff falling on her face. But pretty soon she was sticking out her tongue and trying to catch snowflakes, and was brushing it off of the cooler that I still have sitting out in the backyard. She was really starting to have fun by the end of it. Unfortunetly we had to cut it short because she wasn't exactly in a snowsuit! I'm thinking I'm going to have to break down and just buy her one now that I know how much she likes the snow. Here are some pics of her quick little rendezvous!

All ready to go outside!

Catching snowflakes on her tongue

What is that stuff Daddy?

1 year ago when she was 3 months old, what a difference!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Our Silly Girl

I have been wanting to catch Samantha talking on the phone for awhile, but have not been able to until now. Earlier on today she was walking around with the phone up to her ear and using hand motions while she "talked" into the phone. I wish I could have caught that because it was hilarious! But here is a short version of it after she plays a little peek-a-boo. That is all for today!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Thankyou Carrie, Brigetta and Nicole for your help on getting a prettier background! :)

Friday, January 16, 2009


Can someone tell me how to get a different layout for my Blog other then the 5 or 6 that come on the blogger website? For some reason this is hard for me to figure out! Thanks!

Thursday, January 15, 2009


One of the biggest reasons why I decided to get this blog going was so that everyone, not just those who are myspace or facebook members, could come and watch her grow if they so choose. She is the most amazing little bundle of joy and she cracks Kevin and I up everyday. I look at her adorable litte face and can't imagine loving anyone more. Here are some recent pictures of her, hope you like them!

Here she is after getting into some chocolate that I accidently left within her reach. She was being a little too quiet, never a good sign. I went into her room and she started to run away from me, when I caught her this is what I found!

Samantha with the popper she got for Christmas from Uncle Eric and Auntie Becca. She absolutely loves it!

Impromptu family pic, Samantha got caught with her tongue out!


Hello all! I decided it was time to join the ranks of the Bloggers in this world and create a Blog of our very own! I took me awhile to settle on a name for the Blog since it will be about our family, but I have yet to acquire the same last name as the rest of my family. Hopfully everyone will get the name I chose, but if not, just ask! Now it's time to figure this thing out. Wish me luck!