Friday, January 16, 2009


Can someone tell me how to get a different layout for my Blog other then the 5 or 6 that come on the blogger website? For some reason this is hard for me to figure out! Thanks!


  1. Do a google search for cutest blog on the block and then pick a theme and then read the directions. They are great. Call me if it doesn't work. Also remember to pick minima under the layout section and pick new template. Hope that helps :)

  2. I also got mine from the cutest blog on the block. They have directions for how to do it, very easy.

  3. or just click on the small icon that shows up on most of our blogs up in the top left corner at the top of the page that says "free backgrounds and more @ cutest blog..." click on that and it will carry you to their sight. Then the directions are easy, if you can't quite figure it out send another shout out.... good luck. :)
