Monday, February 16, 2009

Growing up too fast...

Today I was doing a little shopping for Samantha and I. I was looking at what size she is in now and trying to determine where she might be by summertime. She is pretty much in 24 months/2T at the moment and I figure there is a good chance she will be in 3T by the time summetime rolls around. As I was looking at the 3T stuff I suddenly realized something, I was no longer in the baby section. I was across the aisle and in the toddler section. Upon noticing this, I frantically walked back across the aisle and looked for all my might to find a 3T in the baby section, to no avail. Each time I've had to pack away a size Samantha has outgrown, I always felt a little sad. Growing out of her newborn stuff had been the hardest, and it had gotten easier with each passing size. For some reason, the realization that I would no longer be shopping in the baby section for my baby girl, hit me very hard today. Tears welled up in my eyes and I decided it was time to leave the store. And when I told my Mom and Dad about this incident, I choked up and almost started crying again! I am ridiculous, I realize this. It is just so amazing how fast they grow, sometimes I wish it would slow down just a little. Before I know it I will be crying at her High School graduation. But for now, I just need to concentrate on getting through changing clothing sections in the store.

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