Saturday, February 28, 2009

Eating Snow and First Starbucks

Thursday morning we woke up to a new blanket of snow. Unfortunetly, there was a bright sun and clear blue sky. To most this does not sound like a bad thing. The problem lay in that I wanted to get Samantha out into the snow to try her new snow boots and warm coat, but with the sun I knew the snow was going to have a fairly quick expiration date. So right after her milk, (around 9am) I bundled her and I up to go explore in the white stuff. She headed straight for the cooler I have sitting out in the backyard still from it's days airing out from Civil War. And for the first time, she decided that snow looked good enough for a morning snack. She just kept tasting and wrinking her nose, tasting and wrinkling her nose. It was too cute! Our trip didn't last too long however. We were out there only about 20 minutes when Samantha decided her gloves were just not doing it for her anymore. Bundled up and out in the sun or not, 29 degrees is too cold for bare fingers. Well, at least I know she will be up for snow cones this summer, ha!
Tasting some delicious snow
Got caught with her tongue out!

Friday morning Samantha and I got up and got ready to go meet my friend Laura at the Mustard Seed Cafe for a little breakfast. (They have huckleberry pancakes I had my tastebuds prepping up for, yum!) Due to a last minute call into work, she was unable to meet us for breakfast after all. All dressed up and nowhere to go, I decided we might as well use the rest of the Starbucks gift card I won at a baby shower a couple of weeks back. Usually my coffee of choice is Dutch Bros, and I'm sure you all know why, but free coffee is free coffee. Turned out to be a very nice little trip. My friend Natasha ended up being on shift that morning, and she had not seen Samantha since she was probably 3 or 4 months old. Samantha had lots of smiles for her. Then we ordered our coffees, an iced grande soy latte for Mommy, a kids hot chocolate for Samantha, and a blueberry scone to share. As we sat down to enjoy our oh so healthy breakfast, we were each a little preoccupied. Samantha was busy charming the high school girls on the other side of the room, smiling at them and acting shy. I was busy glancing at a gentleman named Mike, whom I remember very fondly from my days working at this particular store, trying to decide if he would remember me and devising a way to say hello. In the meantime, Samantha managed to pour what little bit of hot chocolate was left in the cup after the transfer into her sippy, out onto her lap. Should've known my photo op would end badly. While I was trying to get as much chocolate off her pants as possible, I heard Mike call out my name. He did remember me after all, and when I confessed this thought to him, he kindly said, "Of course I remember you!" So I introduced him to Samantha and we had a nice conversation. So, overall it was a pleasant morning, and I'm glad I decided to stop in and stay awhile!
Samantha sucking on the lid of her empty cup
She didn't really like the hot chocolate, but she did enjoy playing with the cup!

1 comment:

  1. Wow she is really getting to be a big girl! I'm glad you had a nice breakfast date, going back to an old work place can always have high potential for awkwardness.
